Answered: Where our readers buy tea in the KC metro

Stewing for a hot brew? Here’s where KCtoday readers shop for their tea.

Anna Marie's Tea Shop

Oh taste and see that the tea is good.

Photo by Anna Marie’s Teas

Last month, we asked where you shop for your tea. Now, we’re spillin’ the deets on the metro’s best tea stores. Here were your most popular recommendations.

Shang’s Tea House | Crown Center, 2450 Grand Blvd., Ste. #106, KCMO
In the survey, 10% recommended this shop (which is also Editor Charmaine’s fav). This locally-owned tea store serves hot tea + tea cakes. Fun fact: The owner designs the travel pots that are for sale.

Tea Market | Crestwood Shops, 329 E. 55th St., KCMO
This local leaf market took 15% of the votes. Enjoy its thoughtfully sourced teas and have a sip from the tea bar, too.

Anna Marie’s Teas | 9 W. Franklin St., Liberty, MO
With 25% of the votes, this locally-owned store was the favorite. Pop by for monthly themed tea parties, or sign up for its Tea of the Month club.

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